Jessie Worden from Mississippi, I work for a local 911 communication center. I have been put in control of the centers mapping for emergency response. I have alot I would like to ask all of you and to be perfectly honest some of my questions may not be worded the best.
My first question I hope will be an easy one to answer. How do i change the values in an attribute tale? As an example, If I wanted to change say... The ESN_L and ESN_R value in the attribute tale is set to 3 digit and I want to change it to 4 digit to match what we use in our CAD database. How would I do that?
In Pro, it is sometimes possible to edit the field length without creating a new field depending on the data source. See
Thank you! How do you do it in ARC10? We ARC10 for our 911 mapping.
Are you talking about ArcMap 10.x? You'd follow the instructions for ArcMap.
You would most likely want to contact Arc10 Technologies. what you can do in this software is going to be different than what we do here.
In Arcmap 10x, you have to first create or add a new field to your Attribute table with a field Name and correct field format or field length, ie (Text, 10), then copy you data into the new field, and delete your old field.
You can if you import your table into a file geodatabase, then use the alter field tool to change your table field as you like.
its always amazed me that once you have data in a field, you cant rename or restructure your field in Arc.
and in general you cant restructure or rename non-geodatabase tables.
maybe somebody else has the hot ticket way.