Dear community,
In Arcmap I am trying to write the special character "include in range" (looks like this ∈ ) in the label text but only a white square appears.. (I have tried to use the html code ∈ but I might use a wrong syntax.
how do I do?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Got you. I didn't realize the issue was with the legend element.
Double-click the legend to open the Legend Properties.
Under the Legend Properties > Items, change the required font to Lucida Sans Unicode.
Once done, you could see the desired symbol in the legend.
Will this help?
Dear Daniel.
Thank you for your reply. This does not work for me as it is not the marker symbol in the map which is the problem. It is the text from the symbol properties which is not correctly "transferred" to the legend...
but thank you for the try
The following symbol has worked for me.
weird.. it does not work for me in the layout view... it looks fine in the ToC (as for you), but not in the layout view it-self where the ∈ - symbol is shown as a square (placeholder?)...
Which arcmap version do you use?
Got you. I didn't realize the issue was with the legend element.
Double-click the legend to open the Legend Properties.
Under the Legend Properties > Items, change the required font to Lucida Sans Unicode.
Once done, you could see the desired symbol in the legend.
Fantastic... it worked 🙂 have a nice day 🙂
Hi Jorgen,
I didn´t first get where the square appeared. But I also get a square when the label is drawn. To use the symbol in the description works but not as a label. Hopefully someone sort this out.
thanks for trying 🙂 ... I hope as well somebody has a solution... not that it is the biggest problem of the world... just annoying to spend (waste) time on such a small issue ... which might "just" be a bug in arcgis... 🙂