Hello ...
1) I imported an existing offline basemap .. .tpk file into Arcmap 10.2.1 using Arccatalogue
2) I created a featureclass( with ploygon features) in Arcmap 10.2.1 over the basemap and created one feature layer which has polygon shaped field drawn on the basemap.
3) Then i generated the .geodatabase file for runtime sharing , so as to use it in my Android application.(as suggested in the webpage below)
4) I copied the .tpk file and .geodatabase file and my code is as follwos in my android app..
mMapView.addLayer(new ArcGISLocalTiledLayer("Path to my existing .TPK file"));
Geodatabase localGdb = null;
try {
localGdb = new Geodatabase("PATH TO MY .geodatabase file");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
for (GeodatabaseFeatureTable gdbFeatureTable : localGdb.getGeodatabaseTables()) {
if (gdbFeatureTable.hasGeometry())
mMapView.addLayer(new FeatureLayer(gdbFeatureTable));
I am unable to see the field i drawed using Arcmap in my android application when i use the basemap .TPK file.
I can only see my field(feature layer) drawn only when i am not including the basemap .TPK file.
Please help ...
Many thanks ...
This can be a spatial reference issue. Please check if the .tpk has the same spatial reference with the feature layer.