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Difference between 10.4 and 10.8 Arc Map

05-07-2023 09:58 AM
Occasional Contributor
Greetings to all, in view of my connections at the college and university with the students and our constant need for the version mentioned in the title of the article, I hope everyone just lists the most important features of version 10.8 so that we can work on it and be a gateway to entering the ARC GIS Pro system.

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4 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor

You can see ArcMap release improvements from 10.6 - 10.8 here

I'd google 'What's new in ArcMap 10.5' to find an archived version of the 10.4 to 10.5 enhancements/additions.

Note that 10.4 is now out of support and the recommendation is to move to ArcGIS Pro .

My understanding/personal opinion is that 10.8.x will just be kept on life support for the next few years with no further enhancements, just patches etc.

Occasional Contributor

Thank you for adding the 10.4 to 10.5 transition.

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Occasional Contributor

I have used Arcmap products for 15 years. The differences between 10.4 and 10.8.2 are many. Let's examine them incrementally:

10.4 to 10.6 (I could not find 10.5):

10.6 to 10.7:

10.7 to 10.8:

And to add more. There is considerable difference between ArcPRO 1.0 and ArcPRO 3.1. The good news, in my opinion, ArcPRO 3.1 is more intuitive than ArcPRO 1.0 and ArcMap 4. 


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Occasional Contributor

I would also consider this blog for additional information about ENTERPRISE.

There are really important items that you need to stay at 10.9x or below as long as you depend on ArcMap.  It is becoming very compelling to go ahead and move on to Pro.

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