I was recently provided with raw data by a colleague to add to an exiting map I have. The data he sent me are in various formats from .dat, .nit, .dir, .adf. I am unable to download them onto my esri account and ArcMap will not let me drag and drop the files. If someone could help me figure out how to get this data on to my map it would be greatly appreciate. I'm not sure if I have to convert these files or not? I am pretty new to this software. I also have ArcGIS Pro if that's easier to use for this.
For context, the original email reads,
"just sent you an invite to a gdrive folder that contains a raster of our 'predictive habitat map'. it is a raster, where each cell represents the amount of forest or grassland (ie, undeveloped greenspace) in a 14km2 window around that cell.
Hi Enrico,
The Raster to other Format (Conversion) tool should be able to help you out. The ESRI documentation for the tool is here. Raster To Other Format (Conversion)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
Hope it helps.
Thanks Davin! I was able to successfully upload the raster data with the drag and drop method. I'm not sure why it wasn't working the first time. My colleague sent me two folders though. The raster data folder (homer_proj3) and then an "info" folder holding .dir, .dat, and .nit files. I am unable to drag and drop this info folder as I was earlier with the raster files. With a little digging around I believe they are called coverage files correct? Is there a particular way I'm supposed to be uploading these into ArcMap? The raster data is showing so I'm not sure of the relationship between the two considering the info files haven't been included in the map yet. I've attached some screenshots here for reference.
Hi Enrico,
If ArcMap is creating these when you add the image to the Map then there will be no need to add these files.
For more information on how coverage files interact with an .adf file see FAQ: How can I display ADF files from a coverage in ArcMap?
Don't drag and drop. Use the add data tool and navigate to the file.