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Cluster and outlier/hotspot analysis error "Analysis field, AL__, must be numeric... it is: String."

03-25-2021 05:47 AM
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New Contributor


I'm using ArcGIS 9.2 and I'm trying to use either the Cluster and Outlier or Hotspot analysis tools. When I do, it comes up with "Analysis field, AL__, must be numeric... it is: String." and then says there is an error in the script. I'm not sure how to fix this. When choosing the output field all I can do is create a new shapefile, I have no control over what is numeric or string etc. Can anyone help?

"Executing (ClustersOutliers_8): ClustersOutliers "AM1 FLOAT" Au_ppm "C:\GIS April 2017\Pisa's GIS Work\Hotspot test\test4.shp" "Inverse Distance" "Euclidean Distance" None 0 # LMiUnknown LMiUnknown
Start Time: Thu Mar 25 12:35:45 2021
Running script ClustersOutliers...
Analysis field, AL__, must be numeric... it is: String.
Error in script ClustersOutliers.
Error in executing: cmd.exe /C C:\PROGRA~2\ArcGIS\ARCTOO~1\Scripts\LOCALM~1.PY "AM1 FLOAT" "Au_ppm" "C:\GIS April 2017\Pisa's GIS Work\Hotspot test\test4.shp" "Inverse Distance" "Euclidean Distance" "None" "0" "#" "LMiUnknown" "LMiUnknown"

Failed to execute (ClustersOutliers_8).
End Time: Thu Mar 25 12:36:28 2021 (Elapsed Time: 43.00 seconds)"

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

What is the input field?

... sort of retired...
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