Acer B3-A40
Android version 7.0
Kernel version 4.4.22
App downloads fine, but keeps crashing when trying to load the project. Tried disabling location tracking, default basemap is the topo basemap (not custom). Thoughts?
Hi Daniel,
I apologize for the issue you're seeing. Can you try the following:
Also, what version of the Workforce app are you using? Is this against Enterprise or ArcGIS Online?
Just followed your steps and still have the issue. I can see the project, but cannot get into it by clicking on it - the app crashes at that point.
I'm running it off of ArcGIS Online with the latest version (17.0.1)
Can you add me to the Workforce project so I can take a look? My named user to add is `craig_sp`.
Please invite me as mobile worker to the project.
I just added you. Thanks!