We would like to add Work Order ID's to the project so there is a drop down list of ID's to choose from when creating an assignment. How are people using this field? How do you integrate the Work Order ID field with a third party system?
Hello Michelle,
We plan to include the ability for the Work Order ID field to be pre-populated based on expression in our roadmap; we're working with other areas of the ArcGIS platform on this.
One technique I have seen used for sites who need this ability is to use a Python script to populate the Work Order ID field at regular intervals (i.e. every 5 mins) for assignments after they are created.
Craig, can you point me in the direction of a code sample that does this?
Hi Craig,
When is this feature anticipated to be added into Workforce?
It's not assigned to release at this time, but I am hoping we can get to this in one of our next few releases.
I've added your request and info to the issue for tracking purposes.
Hi, any update?
Not at this time, it is still in our backlog but will not be added to a release until Workforce is a part of Field Maps - which is tentatively planned to start later this year.
Can the Work Order ID become configurable? At this time you can't even enforce unique values of any kind or prevent NULL values. Those two options alone would be very useful.
Hi Amy,
We have discussed making this configurable - we'd look to using the same Form capabilities that Field Maps uses to do this. Enforcing uniqueness is a little trickier to tackle especially when we consider allowing mobile workers to create their own work assignments while offline.
I don't see us enforcing uniqueness, but instead, recommending that it be enforced as a QA process through a Python script or QA check that is done on the server-side.
Hello Craig,
- Have there been any progress for the Work Order ID field to be pre-populated?
- Echoing LaneHartman's question, where can we see a sample of the Python code to populate the Work Order ID field at regular intervals for assignments?
- Is there a way for Workforce to automatically ensure that work order IDs are unique, (e.g. in the event of entering duplicate IDs erroneously)?
As a GIS professional with questionable programming skills, I would really like to deal with most of these issues without needing to code.