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Assignment Data / Maintenance Data Saved to a Feature's Related Table?

04-15-2021 01:13 PM
Frequent Contributor

As a medium-sized city, we store our inspections/maintenance/services to a feature's related table.

I see in Workforce, that there is no way to point to store this inspection/maintenance data as a related record in the related table?  It can only store this info in a new, separate feature service that Workforce creates?

If this is the case, why would we need another feature service that is created by Workforce, when we already have one and because it creates another one, we would now have to update the records from that Workforce feature service to the related records table of 50 feature classes and do that every 10 minutes - to keep related tables up to date?  It seems like Workforce doesn't allow a workflow for agencies that use related tables.....?


1 Reply
Regular Contributor


We currently have this implemented at our park in St. Louis, but we were running in to the same problem you are and it really kept me from fully transitioning to Work Force. 

With our setup, when an inspection is done in Field Maps, a webhook is generated and is sent to an endpoint that we set up. From there, a Work Force assignment is generated and the work order id that is created consists of the Global ID of the inspection record and the Global ID of the feature that was being inspected split by a "/". 

Once the work has been done, another webhook on the Work Force feature service is sent back to the endpoint, and will find the related inspection record via the global id and changes a hidden field in the inspection form called "Resolved" from the default value of False to True once the work has been completed.

I think this is the only work around that I know of off the top of my head. The biggest downside of course though is that it does require some Python programming to make it work. 

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