I have moved all my jobs, steps, notifications etc over to my 10.2.2 Workflow Manager application and I forgot to grab all the production users. Is there a faster way to bring them over rather than adding them all in one by one? We have 100+ users with many groups that need to be configured.
Hi Heather,
In your case because of how you're updating it would be easiest to run postinstall on a new database and bring in the configuration jxl as part of that process. Open the WMX Administrator and connect to your new database. Go to the users section, and in the Users window select all the users and send them to the target database or to a jxl you can later import.
Normally we would recommend updating the database in place to avoid this problem, as well as trying to update versions regularly to avoid potential conflicts in schemas particular in your case coming from 9.3.