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Unexpected message received Failure( Address already in use)

07-30-2023 04:16 AM
Frequent Contributor

ArcGIS Workflow Manager: Version 10.9.1

High-Availability Enabled: Yes (2 Nodes)

OS: Windows Server 2022


Noticed below messages in the Workflow Manager logs.

Unexpected message received Failure( Address already in use: no further information: <hostname>/<ip address>:443)
No buffer space available (maximum connections reached?): connect: <hostname>/<ip address>:443)

When the above error occurs, Workflow Manager is becoming completely unresponsive (Workflow Manager Server web page showing infinite loading icon). It's coming back to normal only after restarting the machines.

@JFarmer requesting for your valuable response please.

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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @Ranga_Tolapi 

I'm aware of this issue you've reported and this one:

We've been chatting with Tech Support on this but this looks like a core ArcGIS Enterprise issue from what I've seen so far. It seems like a Data Store user connection limit issue or some other Data Store issue to me. Has that been looked into? I think the Workflow Manager side of this is just the symptom of a problem with Data Store.

I'm not aware of any other users that have reported this issue so I don't have a specific answer here. It may be best to continue working with Tech Support (and we can as well as needed) to see where we can get there.


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Frequent Contributor

Hi @JFarmer 

For now, we added below registry entries with Decimal values and restarted both the WFM machines.

  • MaxUserPort (65534)
  • TcpTimedWaitDelay (30)

Not sure this can address the issue fully or not.

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