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Silent install of WMX

10-26-2011 06:55 AM
Occasional Contributor
Does anyone else use silent install of WMX? We have an installation script for ArcGIS Desktop (version 10.0) and WMX which installs the software on the pc???s of the GIS users:
Msiexec.exe /i ???setup.msi??? /qn
msiexec.exe /Update ???WMXDesktop10_SP1.msp??? /qn

The ArcGIS desktop installation works fine, but the WMX installation only works for the user who installed was logged in during installation, i.e. the WMX-folder exists, but there no shortcuts. WMX does not appear under the windows ???uninstall??? list for the other users either, and when trying to run the latest SP, it doesn't recognize that the sw has been installed. Does anyone know what we can we do to make sure that it???s installed for all users?
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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor

Can you please re-try running those commands with ALLUSERS=1 added at the end?

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