While trying to federate Configuring Workflow Manager Server with an ArcGIS Enterprise portal it is mentioned in the ESRI documentation that You must connect to theArcGIS Enterpriseportal through theArcGIS Web AdaptorURL. Please find below screenshot for your reference.
More info here
I have tried passing server url along with port name while federating and found that it does not accept and says invalid url.
I was thinking if there is any other way out. If anyone has tried without webadaptor url.
Please share your thoughts on this.
Hi @RaghavGupta
That line in our documentation is specific to how you access the Portal site when you go to federate the server. So, you wouldn't want to go to machine.domain.com:7443/arcgis but instead go to machine.domain.com/portalwebadaptor. This isn't a Workflow Manager requirement, it's a core ArcGIS Enterprise requirement. See step 2 here: https://enterprise.arcgis.com/en/portal/latest/administer/windows/configure-servers.htm.
For the actual federation of the server, there is nothing different for Workflow Manager Server than what is in this core ArcGIS Server federation doc: https://enterprise.arcgis.com/en/portal/latest/administer/windows/federate-an-arcgis-server-site-wit.... If you meet those requirements, there shouldn't be any issues on our side.
If you can't federate using the port, I'm guessing that Portal cannot communicate with ArcGIS Server using that port and that's why it fails. But you'll need to look at the Portal and Server logs to sort out that piece.
Hi JFarmer
Portal is able to communicate with ArcGIS Server without domainnname. But while enabling server roles for workflow manager server it is showing requirements missing .
Do we need a domain name for the system to enable workflow manager server role ?
I presume you are using an internal machine name to federate this server? If you aren't using a FQDN then that would be my guess. If everything works between the federated server and Portal with this setup, there shouldn't be an issues specific to Workflow Manager here. The only communication requirement specific to us would be port 13443 being open and accessible (along with the standard 6443 for ArcGIS Server).
Usually an issue in that area is related to Portal not knowing that Workflow Manager has been installed and licensed on the federated server. If you've done those things, you might try a restart of ArcGIS Server on the federated server (which would also restart Workflow Manager Server). If that doesn't do it, try a restart of Portal. If that doesn't do it, you may need Tech Support to dig into this a bit.
Hi JFarmer
I have validated 13443 is open and working fine. I have tried restarting the services for ArcGIS Workflow Manager, ArcGIS Server and Portal for ArcGIS but then also it is showing Requirement missing.
Now I have doubts on following:
Could you please confirm.....Please
I tested this on my end and I don't see any issues. We've done testing in the past federating a workflow server using the port for both the services and admin URLs and have found no issues. This morning I tried this but took out the domain which we typically use. In order to make this work, I did have to edit my certificates to add a SAN entry for just the machine name without the domain.
So my federation URL for both services and admin looks like https://machine:6443/arcgis.
With this setup, I can set the Workflow Manager server role with no issues and some basic testing in our web application looks OK.
If you still have issues on your end, it may be good to work with Tech Support so they can help dig into the details on your end better than we could here.
Hi JFarmer
So are you trying to say that with out web adaptor and domain name workflow manager will work....?
Hi @RaghavGupta
Yes, I'm saying that it's working on my end with that configuration. This isn't a common configuration for our users so it's possible you may run into an issue we're not aware of yet. But the piece you are currently stuck on (setting the Workflow Manager server role) should work fine as it did for me in my testing. I was able to access our web application and create a job and run through some steps. So communication between Enterprise and Workflow Manager was working as expected.
Hi @RaghavGupta,
The line in the documentation is to ensure you're accessing ArcGIS Portal through the web adaptor (and not https://FQDN:7443/arcgis/home) When doing the federation e.g. https://FQDN/portal/home
When adding a server - you will be asked to provide the services and admin URL for that server. That may look like https://FQDN2/WorkflowServer and https://FQDN2:6443/arcgis.
Provide appropriate credentials for this ArcGIS Server when federating. My examples above are assuming you are using a second ArcGIS Server (on another machine) for workflow manager, as this is best practice for production systems.
Hi A_Wyn_Jones
In current scenario we don't have web adaptor.
So are you trying to say that with out web adaptor workflow manager won't work. ?