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Error upon trying to deploy workflow manager system?

04-08-2015 12:12 PM
Deactivated User

Hi All,

I am trying to setup a workflow manager environment in our office for better work management. I am stuck at a point of deploying Workflow manager on client machine. Below are the steps I have followed along with the description of the issue I am facing:


ArcGIS Desktop 10.3

ArcGIS Workflow Manager 10.3

SQL Server 2012

1. Created 2 geodatabases on SQL Server instance - both DBO schema, one holds the data (PROD_DB) while the other one holds the workflow manager repository tables (WFM_PROD_DB)

2. Ran Workflow manager post-installation with 'Quick Configuration' on WFM_PROD_DB

3. Created new workflow, created new job, associated job with the workflow, added map document and workspace to the job.

3. Created  2 SQL authenticated logins on the SQL Server instance and mapped them with the geodatabases above

4. Granted them SELECT on both the geodatabases and granted dataset level permissions from ArcCatalog on the data in PROD_DB so that they can edit the data

5. Created 2 users in workflow manager corresponding to above two database users and assigned them 'Technicians' group.

Everything went fine till this point. Problem occurred upon trying to deploy this on client machine,

6. Installed ArcGIS Desktop 10.3 and ArcGIS Workflow Manager 10.3 on 2 machines

7. Tried opening 'Workflow Manager' received following error:


which was expected as I had not configured a database connection yet.

8. So, followed steps mentioned in following link to configure the connection:

At this step, first part of 'Add Workflow Manager connection' goes through without any errors.

Second part,  'Workspace properties' also goes through without any errors.

Here in connection properties, credentials of above mentioned database users were provided.

After this when tried connecting to the new Workflow Manager Database node that was created, I received following error:


Here is what I have tried or checked:

1. Granted SELECT, INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE explicitly on the tables in the error message to these users - Did not help

2. Granted SELECT, INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE on WFM database (WFM_PROD_DB)  to these users - Did not help

3. In SQL Server ran queries against the tables in error message by connecting as problematic users and the queries returned results.

4. Created connection to WFM database (WFM_PROD_DB) from ArcCatalog with above mentioned users and checked if they can view the tables in the error message and they could.

I am not sure if I am missing something or doing something incorrectly. Any help would be much appreciated.

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7 Replies
Occasional Contributor


Could you provide a little more information about these:

  1. Are you using Database Authentication or using User Properties and "Each User will connect with their own database login" option.
  2. Were you able to connect to Workflow Manager Client application on your machine where you did all the setup?
  3. On the Client machine, are you logged in with your Windows user account and connecting to the Workflow Manager Client or one of the users you added to the Technicians group are logged in Windows and connecting to the Workflow Manager Client?

If you are using User Properties and "Each User will connect with their own database login" option. Try removing the properties and then refresh database and try connecting in Workflow Manager Client.

Since Workflow Manager authenticates users based on their Windows login, the user logged in Windows is the one logging to Workflow Manager Client application. 

To get appropriate information about which database privileges to be given to which type of user, you can check the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Database Design Doc, it is in the Workflow Manager installation folder under Help - Install Folder\ArcGIS\WMX\Desktop10.3\Help.

A way to distribute and deploy Workflow Manager is to set it up on a machine and then share the .jtc file for the database with your users. They can double click on the jtc file on their machine to create a connection to the database and set it as the default database on their machine. You would not need to manually create the connections on each machine. The location of.jtc file can be identified using WMXAdvanceSettings.exe in Workflow Manager install Bin folder. The location for "Databases" is where you would find your .jtc file.

Hope this helps,


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Occasional Contributor

One more thing I forgot to mention, every machine on which you are connecting to this database - you need to set this database as default database. The instructions for the same are Changing the Default Database in the Administrator—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop   

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Deactivated User

Hi Nishi,

Thank you for the response. Here answers to your questions:

1. Are you using Database Authentication or using User Properties and "Each User will connect with their own database login" option.

- Database authentication

2. Were you able to connect to Workflow Manager Client application on your machine where you did all the setup?

- Yes, I could without any issues.

3. On the Client machine, are you logged in with your Windows user account and connecting to the Workflow Manager Client or one of the users you added to the Technicians group are logged in Windows and connecting to the Workflow Manager Client?

- Yes, one of the users you added to the Technicians group are logged in on Windows and then try to connect to the Workflow Manager Client.

I tried the method of sharing .jtc file. It did create a database connection and set it to default. However after this when I tried to launch 'Workflow manager' I received following error:

One more question, based on your statement below:

Since Workflow Manager authenticates users based on their Windows login, the user logged in Windows is the one logging to Workflow Manager Client application.

This could well be the problem in our case. Our database is hosted on different domain and we use different domain to log on to our personal machines. We use SQL Authentication for all the connections to database from ArcCatalog.

So in this scenario there is no way we can implement Workflow manager? Please note that even in this scenario I could Open 'Workflow manager client' without any issues, this could be because of the fact that my Windows login was somehow got registered with WFM.

Thank you!

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Occasional Contributor


It seems the SQL login - Workflow Manager Connection credential - Workflow Manager Username  mapping may not be correct.

You would have run the Post Install with the schema owner credentials which added the Workflow Manager Connection in Administrator on your machine and your windows username was added to the Workflow Manager database as a user and given Administrator Privilege. Thus, the mapping of your SQL login - Workflow Manager connection credential - Your Workflow Manager username is correct and that's why you are able to login on your machine. 

You could

I suggest you create 2 sets of SQl logins one for the Workflow Manager Administrators and other for Workflow Manager Users who would not connect to the database in Workflow Manager Administrator.

  1. Add the Windows login of all users(Administrator and Users) who would connect to this database, to Workflow Manager database as Users.
  2. Add the connection with the Administrator login and distribute that .jtc file to the Administrators.
  3. Add the connection with  User login and distribute that .jtc file to the Users.

If you must have a separate SQL login associated with each of your Administrator and Users. This would be recommended only if the above option is not acceptable.

  1. Create SQL Login for each of the Administrator and Users.
  2. Add the connection with the Administrator login,
  3. Add the Windows login of all users(Administrator and Users) who would connect to this database, to Workflow Manager database as Users.
  4. In Workflow Manager Administrator, Open User Properties from the context menu on database connection.
  5. Select the Option "Each User will connect with their own database login"
  6. Add the User and map the SQL login with the Windows user name Adding a WMX Database connection in the Administrator—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop ,

You can add only the username as well and the users can provide the password in Client Application by Setting the database login Using the Edit menu—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop 

Some more information about Users and Groups, deploying a Workflow Manager system and Using domains:

Users and groups—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop

Deploying a Workflow Manager system—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop

Authenticating against domains—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop

Hope this helps,



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Deactivated User


I am facing an issue while running post installation of workflow manager. I am using 10.3.1 on Windows. I already have an Oracle geodatabase which has the SDE schema and system tables. I have created a user called "workflowmanager" which I guess would create a schema of the same name. I have created another user called "gis_wfm" user which has data creator privileges. As per the documentation what I understood is that I need a schema name and a user name. So as per my understanding "workflowmanager" becomes the schema name and "gis_wfm" becomes the user which I need to use for the post install. When I use this user to do a post install, in the schema drop down I only get SDE in the list. I am not able to see "workflowmanager" schema. Both users have Select, Update, Insert, Delete privileges. This turns me to ask some questions -

1. Are any more privileges to be granted to "gis_wfm" user? Are there any more prerequisites? Am I doing something wrong?

2. Is a separate database required for Workflow Manager? Can the Workflow Manager not be accomodated in an existing geodatabase which will manage the spatial data?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Deactivated User

I have not really worked with Workflow Manager for a long time, but logically, that "Schema" option lets you choose an Oracle User Schema geodatabase, if you have any.

In Oracle, you can have more than 1 geodatabase, inside a single instance (Multiple geodatabases in Oracle—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop ). This option will probably let you choose, in which Schema Geodatabase, you would like to create the WFM tables.

A separate database is not required for Workflow Manager.

NOTE: Make sure you test everything in a Test environment first.

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Deactivated User

Ok. I got through the post installation finally with some help from DBA. Basically i used the "workflowmanager" user but I chose SDE schema in the first screen. It created all the tables in "workflowmanager" schema. I guess it only needs to know where the SDE system tables are stored. It doesnt actually create any tables in the SDE schema. Initially there was a failure due to privilege issues but later I ran it again after the privileges were assigned by the DBA, and the post install was successful.

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