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Ask a question is truncating message

05-30-2012 07:57 PM
Emerging Contributor
In a workflow I need to prompt the user to something. Im using the "Ask Question" step as a messagebox which pops up with a message. The "Ask Question" step is only set up with one answer ie "OK"

However what Ive noticed is that the the "Ask Question" dialog is truncating my title as well as my message.

Is there any way around this?
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2 Replies
Deactivated User

This is a current limitation in the question step. If you are familiar with Workflow Manager custom step development you can create a custom step and control the form re-size properties to support large texts.
I also tried this out with the drop down option for questions and it displayed the entire question (not the title) but this might not work for you because you only want to display the OK button. I just thought it was worth mentioning.

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Emerging Contributor

This is a current limitation in the question step. If you are familiar with Workflow Manager custom step development you can create a custom step and control the form re-size properties to support large texts.
I also tried this out with the drop down option for questions and it displayed the entire question (not the title) but this might not work for you because you only want to display the OK button. I just thought it was worth mentioning.


Thanks Tope, Ive written a custom step which shows a simple message box which is controlled by message/title parameters.

PS also noticed today, with a 3 button question, the text over runs if the "answer" text (ie on the button) is too long. Had to change it to a drop down. Answers included "No", "Yes, with changes" and "Yes, unchanged". The middle buttons text didnt fit on the button.
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