When we add a WMS layer to the map through the AddData widget, the popup window doesn't show information about this layer. In fact, the LayerList widget does not allow to enable pop-ups for WMS layers.
Is there any way to enable pop-ups for WMS that are not in the web map?
Here is a thread concerning WMS layers in WAB:
The WMS layer has to support "GetFeatureInfo"
Thanks Robert,
The WMS we are dealing with do support GetFeatureInfo.
For instance, http://ovc.catastro.meh.es/Cartografia/WMS/ServidorWMS.aspx is the WMS of the Spanish Cadastre.
The popup works if the WMS layers are loaded in the web map. But it does not work if WMS layers are added through the AddData widget.
Then this is an enhancement request that you need to submit to esri tech support.
Hi Toni et all,
We have the same issue with the same WMS service, Spanish Cadastre. As you said, pop-ups work fine when you are doing the request in a Web Map; but it doesn´t work if you try in a Web Mapping Application created from that Web Map with WebAppBuilder.
It is such a weird thing, so any idea/suggestion about this will be loved.
Hi again Toni,
I´ve found what was going wrong there, at least for the Spanish Cadastre WMS service.
When you first open a pop-up window from that source, may the web browser send you a warning about "you are trying to load non-secure scripts"? If you allow that, WMS´s pop-up should work fine.