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Weird behavior from dijit/form/combobox with LaunchPad theme

03-19-2017 11:23 AM
Frequent Contributor

Hello, I have a dijit/form/ComboBox in my LaunchPad theme app. The combobox works, but the weird thing was that the control still got focused even when I moved cursor below the box - please see below. When I click it, the drop down list opens. When I change theme from LaunchPad to a Tab, I didn't notice any weird behavior. I assume the LaunchPad theme adds some styles to the dijit controls, is there a way to remove or overwrite these styles? Thanks for your help. 

LaunchPad theme:

Tab theme:

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5 Replies
MVP Emeritus


   I am not seeing this behavior on my end. In you image do you notice that your mouse cursor is a pointer still? When you mouse cursor is a pointer over a combobox the combobox is in hover over mode and thus still get the focus rect around it.

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Frequent Contributor

Thanks Robert. When i didn't apply a custom height to the combobox, everything worked. But after i gave it a height (in my case, 35px) less than the default height, the weird behavior appears. 

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MVP Emeritus


   Are you adding the height in the combobox style property or as a css rule?

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Frequent Contributor

Thanks Robert. 

I programatically set it like 

configComboBox.set('style', {width:'200px', height: '45px'});

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MVP Emeritus


   Even when I do that in the lauchpad theme for a combobox when I click off the CB the focus rect is removed...?

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