Hi. We have built a web map using Web AppBuilder. We included the Edit widget so that we could create new features in a feature class. It works fine however, after selecting a feature tool (eg, "house") and placing a new feature, the feature tool deselects forcing the user to select it again to place the next feature (house). Is there a way to set it so the tool stays selected?
If you look at the editor widgets code there is not much there it just get the layers and starts up the JS API editor dijit. The JS API editor dijit does not have any optional configuration to allow for the selected template to remain selected after the feature has been placed as the default behavior is to show the Attribute inspector for the newly created feature.
Thanks Robert. Is it possible to program around this limitation?
I guess it would be possible. I have not had a need to try personally. I don't know exactly what you would need to do but you could listen for the
editor.editToolbar.on('deactivate', lang.hitch(this, function(){ //do something here to reactivate it. }));