How can I give an app I created in developer edition to another editor to make modifications to? Download/upload is a BAD answer.
We need to be able to have multiple people able to make changes to an app. In the event of staff turnover or vacation or shifting responsibilities. And we shouldn't have to change the URL to do it.
If there is no way currently, I'll submit to the Idea page.
This is a workaround for one developer and multiple non-developer's, not exactly the same but might help.
Re: Custom Widgets as an add-in? the comments by Pascual Benito
There have bee other discussions on what you are trying to do This is probably the most precise answer
Re: Sharing Web AppBuilder apps with multiple users
Bottom line, sounds like maybe in future versions it will be easier. But good tips to try in that thread.
Ugh... REALLY not the answer I wanted.
It's a bad, bad idea because of the whole "the user has left the organization" piece... Currently not the issue, but it WILL be for someone.
I don't think it's a problem to transfer to another user. That is all possible. I think the hard part is if you have one copy that many are updating. Hard to keep things in sync, but a copy/paste of the WAB folder will allow others to have that as a starting point. They just need to register with their AGOL/Portal logon and appID I think (untested by me).
I have shared one copy "between myself", and even that has been iffy.
Do you have a handy cheat sheet on how to do it? I've done some looking, can't find anything and am swamped with other stuff. If I have to find it in a config file or something, I'm good with that.
Cheat sheet for the AppID? The most concise I have is my blog Tips and Observations for getting Web AppBuilder - Developer Edition Installed
For possible sharing, the links above of searching and looking thru a few more on geonet might give you more options....or more deadends. I think the true sharing thing is the AGOL/Portal named user licensing issue, that is, each user that logs in will have a appID....I haven't tried to see if that could be shared by other named users (and not sure if that is legal)
Since the WAB files are just system files, sharing or copying the files on a network I think could be done, but I'm sure there would be locks and not sure how you (the system) would handle multiple editors.
Also, if you haven't bookmarked it yet Web AppBuilder Developer Edition - Customization Resource List