It's very strange. After clearing history, cookies, etc. on both Chrome and Firefox, I still get the errors on Chrome. However, it seems to be working fine on Firefox.
On Chrome I get an error: "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404" which is a woff file comes from this directory in the app: \jimu.js\css\fonts.
I also get an error: "Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID" that references the web map service used in the app and ends with =json&callback=dojo_request_script_callbacks.dojo_request_script0
The last one I get is: Error: "Error loading
at MessagePort.e (
(anonymous) @ MapManager.js?wab_dv=2.8" where the last part starting at (anonymous) has a link that takes me to the sources tab of the dev tools, and shows the following:
_createWebMapRaw: function(webMapPortalUrl, webMapItemId, mapDivId, webMapOptions){
var mapDef = jimuUtils.createWebMap(webMapPortalUrl, webMapItemId, mapDivId, webMapOptions);
return mapDef.then(lang.hitch(this, function(response){
return response;
}), lang.hitch(this, function(error){
if(error && error instanceof Error && error.message){
var cache = i18n.cache;
var key = "esri/nls/jsapi/" + dojoConfig.locale;
Thanks again for all your help, I greatly appreciate it.