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WAB dev edition - app owners?

04-11-2017 07:29 AM
Esri Contributor


In PORTAL 10.4.1 (SSO, windows AD) I have WAB developer edition 2.2 registered as a portal object.

  • When logged in as AD-user X in PORTAL, running WABde, only applications created by X is visible in WABde UI initial view.
  • When logged in as AD-user Y in PORTAL, running WABde, only applications created by Y is visible in WABde UI initial view.

How does WABde filter out which applications to present i WABde GUI? How can a group of PORTAL users collaborate with one specific web application in WABde? (Letting each user maintain their own copy of the application in a folder created under ../wabde-intall/Server/Apps/ is not very pretty...)

So, how does it work? Can this be altered to show all applications?

I'd like to see some sort of user selector or maybe project selector in WABde, to facilitate collaboration on objects in WABde. Thoughts?



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