I am trying to make a selection of points based on a polygon layer, but each time it is run it only returns the results "Query failed !"
Are there any known limitations that I am missing? Or is anyone else have similar issues?
thanks for any help.
What version of WAB are you using? Are you using AGOL WAB or WAB Dev edition? Are there any other details you can provide?
I am using AGOL WAB so I think it is the most recent version.
All layers are hosted from ArcGIS server on site not in AGOL.
The polygon is coming from a feature service and the point layer is coming from a map service.
The map is set up in AGOL and it was set up using WAB in AGOL from there.
Are both layer in the same spatial reference?
Much to my surprise they were not in the same project. However i have fixed that and recreated the map service, the AGOL map and web app, and i am still getting the same result.
Can you check your browsers web console and attach a screenshot of any errors there?
Robert here are the errors showing up.
I looks like you are at the point when you need to call esri tech support.
Thanks for your Robert.
That is what I was afraid of, I will post back here once I have had a chance to contact them.