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Use the Smart Editor Widget to Convert Values

12-26-2019 11:17 AM
New Contributor II

I have a web application with the smart editor widget using intersection smart actions to transfer values from one feature class to another. The function works great when transferring exact values (e.g., the value "Blue" from a field in feature class 1 to a field in feature class 2); however, I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to convert values using an expression so that in the example above, the value "Blue" would be converted to "Red" as part of the intersection, or some other smart action.

Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

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5 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Jeremy,

Apologies for the very delayed reply.

There are currently no capabilities to support this workflow in Smart Editor and it is not on the roadmap either.

It seems what you are trying to achieve may be possible using Arcade expressions which you could set in your web map. Here is a nice storymap with some examples.

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Occasional Contributor III

It's unfortunate how close this all seems to doing something really useful but then not actually getting there. I wish you hadn't dashed hopes by saying it's not on the roadmap (why on earth not?)

Attribute rules in gdbs are really powerful and really excellent features, and it would be great if they carried over to AGOL. It's more and more common to pass out data to field staff and have them edit live feature services, and if the less they have to input, the better. Being able to calculate fields based off other fields is awesome, but from what I'm gathering that's not actually possible. The linked Story Map deals with cartographic expressions only. 

My hope was that Smart Actions would be a sort of attribute-rules-lite that would help us achieve this, but judging by your response that's not the case. 

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi SFM Travis Bott‌,

Leveraging Attribute Rules and Arcade to write data into fields is not on the roadmap for the Smart Editor widget specifically, I'm sorry to disappoint  

Smart Actions are only meant to make fields required, hidden, or disabled. Preset Attribute Actions will allow you to predefine value-s for field-s so users don't have to input them.

... BUT, what you are requesting is on the list of requirements for the next generation editing experience.

Here's another request made by users you may want to vote up and follow: Support for Attribute rules in ArcGIS Online 

The story map I provided above is for cartography, but Arcade allows you to do much more!

Here are some resources that may be more helpful for now:

I hope this can help and we are all looking forward to what's coming next!

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Occasional Contributor III


Thank you for the reply. We will look forward to when the linked idea comes to fruition. 

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Esri Regular Contributor

Please review the following article published on 3 January 2021: Introducing smart forms in ArcGIS Field Maps (

Near the bottom of the article: 

Attribute rules – are user-defined rules that can be used to automatically populate attributes, restrict invalid edits, and perform quality assurance checks on existing features when they are submitted. Attribute rules are coming to hosted feature services and to forms so that you can execute business logic in your form connected or offline.

Smart forms may provide the capabilities you require moving forward, although this won't be part of the Smart Editor widget.

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