When starting web app builder 2.4 I complete the url to my portal. click continue and get
invalid redirect_uri error 400
Hope this helps FAQs - Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition)
What should I do when I try to set the App ID and encounter an Invalid redirect_uri error?
It is indicated that the URI of Web AppBuilder is not added or set correctly in the Redirect URI list when you registered the App ID for Web AppBuilder in the ArcGIS portal. Complete the following steps:
- Go to /server directory of the Web AppBuilder installation, delete signininfo.json file.
- Review step 4. Update the existing App ID with the correct redirect URIs. see View and update app registration info. Alternatively, you can create a new App ID from the scratch.
- Refresh the browser running Web AppBuilder.
- Provide your App ID again, and click Continue.
Thank you
Strange this working previously. I deleted the application from portal.
reregistered the application following the instructions.
Now when entering url for app builder
screen comes up with my portal url
green tick
click continue
takes me to portal signin
complete username and password, click sign in
starts web app builder
returns to the screen with portal url
This obviously an endless loop
Because you are using Portal make sure your redirect urls are https protocol.
This is what I have on the settings for the registered info, if I remove http then I get the redirect error, this results in loop when trying to start the builder, I get an option to approve the application in portal but it simply returns to the portal url screen
So unsoa-nbo-gis2 is the machine name and unsoa.dpko.un.org is domain name?
Yes that is short name and the domain of the machine with developer app builder on
I see an error when firebug enabled but it is to quick for me in the console and then clears as it returns to
Since Portal only uses https urls there is no need to have the http url in your redirect. It is strange that
if I remove http then I get the redirect error
That makes no sense. You will probably be better off contacting esri tech support as I don't see anything wrong with what you are saying you have tried.
Thank you