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Share as a web tool does not publish even though says successful

07-20-2021 05:04 AM
Labels (1)
New Contributor III

When I run the "Share as web tool" the following message pops-up after clicking the Publish button: "Successfully published web tool...". However, the tool does not appear in the location specified or anywhere else for that matter. Upon clicking the link at the bottom, "Manage the web tool", there is only a small, blank box that appears as though there should be a link in it, but there is not.

Connection to portal is good. All boxes are completed with options chosen.

With the message of a successful publication and no error messages present, I am unable to troubleshoot any particular section as why the tool does not actually publish.

Has anyone else experienced this issue and more importantly, were you able to figure out, remedy the problem, and publish the web tool?

Thanks in advance.

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