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Selected geometry issue when zoomed in.

12-17-2019 04:11 PM
Regular Contributor

I'm experiencing an issue where when zoomed out and clicking on a parcel the parcel boundary is highlighted and the configured pop-up opens as expected (no problem).  When I zoom in to a particular level and click on a parcel, a strange boundary that often roughly follows the parcel boundary (and sometimes not much at all) is highlighted but it is often offset and has many more nodes making it a different shape.  I watch the network traffic in fiddler and it's the same layers coming from the same web map regardless of the zoom level.  I'm not sure where the click event is located, when I click on the map, to begin debugging (I've put break points in at every place that seemed logical to me).

Here is an example of what a particular parcel looks like:

Parcel not selected

If I zoom out and click on the parcel, the boundary is highlighted in the cyan color as expected but if I zoom in and click on the parcel I get a strange selection polygon that doesn't resemble anything I recognize.  

Strange selection outline

Any suggestions as to what the issue could be or where to continue troubleshooting?

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4 Replies
MVP Emeritus


   What version of WAB and what version is the ArcGIS Server where your data is coming from?

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Regular Contributor

WAB 2.9 and ArcGIS Server 10.7.1

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MVP Emeritus


  Seems like I remember one of the older versions of WAB having this issue with generalizing the selection geometry. You should try the latest version of WAB.

Regular Contributor

Thanks Robert.  That appears to be the issue.  Tested in 2.9, an issue.  Tested in 2.14, not an issue.

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