I'm using the web appbuilder Search Widget (not Robert's Extended Search widget) to set up an attribute search on our parcel layer. This is a hosted feature layer, with about 110k polygons, and only 3 attributes. It is projected using WGS84 Web Mercator (wkid 3857).
When I search using the widget, the feature is found, a highlighted copy of the feature is drawn in the graphics layer, the map zooms in and the popup window is added. All that sounds great, But here are the problems:
TypeError: Unable to draw graphic (null): b[0].geometry.getCenter is not a function
Has anyone else observed similar behaviors from the Search Widget? Thank you for any insights.
I have tested with a parcel layer with 79K polygon features and here are my results:
1. Not seeing this issue.
2. I see the same issue.
3. Not seeing this issue.
4. Not seeing this issue.
Your best bet would be to contact esri tech support and see if this is a bug that can be logged before the 2.2 version comes out.