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Run a tool and print the result (PDF report)

06-17-2021 02:23 AM
Labels (1)
New Contributor


I am working on a project where we would like to make a webgis solution, in which the user can draw an area, and get a pdf report with information about that area. For this we have chosen Web AppBuilder, as it seems to be able to fit our needs. 

An overview of what we want the pdf to contain:
- The map (if possible with only specific layers showing, not the layers shown by the user)

- Which county of the drawn area

- The sum of all the points in the area (we have a tif containing the number of trees within each cell, which i transformed to points)

I have made a lot of tools on the desktop versions, but i have no experience with web tools or Web App Builder. Is it even possible to create a tool that get information from layers, processes it (calculates the sum), and spit it all out in a pdf format? And if it is possible, can you guide me in the right direction? 🙂

Thanks in advance
Kind Regards


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2 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor

the situational awareness widget should get you started


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New Contributor

Thanks David, i was not aware of this tool! Seems to fit most of my needs 🙂

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