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Refresh content in AttributeTable when PublishData

10-13-2016 10:20 AM
Emerging Contributor

My widget does a search and then displays the search results on one of a tab in AttributeTable. In one circumstance I noticed AttributeTable doesn't display new content. My users have to click the Refresh button to see the new content. 

This circumstance is when AttributeTable is showing, and the tab is selected and Filter By Map Content is off. I would expect AttributeTable to refresh the content in that case. 

Has anybody else run into this issue? I think it's a bug. Here is how I made it to work for me. Please reply if there is a better way to do this. Thanks! 

AttributeTable - Widget.js - Line 858 

(It seems working with Filter By Map Content on / off)

if (this.showing && infoId === this.tabContainer.selectedChildWidget.paneId) {
var currentTable = this._resourceManager.getCurrentTable(infoId);
if (currentTable) {
} else {
// this.tabContainer.selectChild(page);


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1 Reply
MVP Emeritus


   What code are you using to get your query results to open in the AT widget?

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