By default the gallery will have all applications of the chosen group. Is there any way to specify the applications that I want to see in the gallery? Unfortunately, I can not exclude them from the group. I was thinking that may be something could be added to the code?
define([], function () {
var config = {
"group": "",
"appid": "",
"theme": "blueTheme",
"siteTitle": "Transportation GIS Gallery",
"siteBannerImage": "",
"siteBannerUrl": "",
"mapTitle": "",
"mapSnippet": "",
"mapItemDescription": "",
"mapLicenseInfo": "",
"homeHeading": "",
"homeSnippet": "This gallery is a collection of GIS mapping applications for the Department of Transportation.",
"homeSideHeading": "",
"homeSideContent": "",
"footerHeading": "",
"footerDescription": "",
"footerLogo": "images/mdc_logo_white.png",
"footerLogoUrl": "",
"addThisProfileId": "xa-4f3bf72958320e9e",
"defaultLayout": "grid",
"searchString": "",
"sortField": "title",
"sortOrder": "desc",
"searchType": "",
"mapViewer": "simple",
"paginationSize": 2,
"galleryItemsPerPage": 6,
"showProfileUrl": false,
"showSocialButtons": false,
"showFooter": false,
"showBasemapGallery": true,
"showArcGISBasemaps": true,
"showFilterType": false,
"filterType": "Applications" & "Datafiles", // "Maps", "Layers", "Applications", "Tools", "Datafiles"
"basemapsGroup": {},
"openLayersInViewer": true,
"showGroupSearch": true,
"showGroupSort": false,
"showMapSearch": true,
"showLayerToggle": true,
"showLayoutSwitch": true,
"showOverviewMap": true,
"showMoreInfo": true,
"showPagination": true,
"showArcGISOnlineButton": false,
"showLicenseInfo": true,
"showAttribution": true,
"showComments": false,
"showRatings": false,
"showViews": false,
"showMobileButtons": true,
"showThumbTitle": true,
"openGalleryItemsNewWindow": false,
"bannerBackground": "images/ui/banner.png",
"proxyUrl": "",
"sharingurl": "",
"iosAppUrl": "itms://",
"androidAppUrl": "",
"pointGraphic": "images/ui/bluepoint-21x25.png",
"sourceCountry": "USA"
return config;
Bumping this to the top to see if anyone knows a suitable solution.