Having issues with the progress bar in the Web App Builder Developer edition. In both the editing environment for the web app builder and when the application launches the blinking progress bar won't disappear. Common across any application I create. Running Web App Builder version 1.2. Is anyone else having this issue?
Are you talking about my Map Progressbar Widget? What does your browsers web console say the error is?
Looking in the launch area the console error that pops up is this:
SCRIPTS022: declare dijit.form.DataList: base class is not a callable constructor.
init.js, line 94 character 52
I'm running it on my local desktop right now for testing purposes before we move it to the server.
So if you are talking about my widget (you did not answer that part of my question) then that error is not associated with my widget. I do not use dijit.form.DataList in my code. So then the question would be are you using any other custom widgets in your apps?
Sorry, yes not your widget. It's the default settings of Web App Builder Dev edition. I haven't loaded any additional widgets yet.
OK, Have you looked at the FAQ on the WAB Dev help site?
FAQs—Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) | ArcGIS for Developers
also see this blog:
Tips and Observations for getting Web AppBuilder - Developer Edition Installed