We're using the AGO version of Web AppBuilder. A team member published custom print template to internal facing ArcGIS Server. In WAB, the print widget was configured pointing to the service URL. Print widget works fine in Internet Explorer, but in Chrome, print job fails. I can see that in Chrome, "submit job" request is being proxied.
Request URL in Chrome:
http://[our org name].maps.arcgis.com/sharing/proxy?http:/[internal facing ArcGIS Server name]/arcgis/rest/services/PrintTemplates/[custom service name]/GPServer/Export%20Web%20Map/submitJob
Request URL in Internet Explorer:
http:/[internal facing ArcGIS Server name]/arcgis/rest/services/PrintTemplates/[custom service name]/GPServer/Export%20Web%20Map/submitJob
I can't quite figure out why "http://[our org name].maps.arcgis.com/sharing/proxy?" is being appended at the beginning of the request in Chrome.
The request is being proxied in Chrome because this is the correct action when communicating between two servers. The fact that IE is not proxying the request is a IE issue. If the print job is failing when being proxied then it sounds like you do not have your internal ArcGIS server url added to your proxy.config.
Thank you for the input. This app is built with AGO WAB so I can't edit proxy.config. Is there a workaround?
Not that I am aware of. You should contact esri tech support.
looking at the request, I looks like the print service is set to run in async mode. WAB does not like async print service.
please see step #4 in the following help if your print service is published in a portal
or, see step #5 in the next section if you have your print service running on a standalone server
Make this change and give this a try and let me know if it does not work.