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Print Widget - Custom Text Elements with 10.3 Server

12-20-2016 12:32 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hello everybody,

I would like to include custom text elements in my layouts for ArcGIS Online WAB Print Widget. As our Server is on 10.3 and does not include the Get Layout Templates Info Task by default, I followed this blog:

and used the python script from Github

Both the export webmap and the Get Layout Templates Info task run and publish successfully fololwing the help and the Get Layout Info shows my custom text elements (see attached).

Nevertheless, when I include my ExportWebmap Task in ArcGIS Online I can print, but the Custom Text Elements are not shown in the advanced tab.

There are no error messages and I have no idea where to start looking for a reason why this is not working.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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6 Replies
Emerging Contributor

Thank you Robert, I had not found the first one. Unfortunately there seemed to be no sulution to the Problem...

What I now did as a workaround is to modify the print widget so I can manually input the custom text elements.

While this works in general it has the drawback that my co-workers can't use this new widget in the built-in WAB and that I have to host the whole application on our Webserver only because of this  - so any ideas concerning the original problem would be appreciated.

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MVP Emeritus


   In your browsers web console do you see a warning "Get Layout Templates Info Error Error: Invalid URL" or any other error when using the print widgets advanced options button?

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Emerging Contributor

Back from holiday:

No unfortunately there are no warning messages to be found when I add the widget or when I use it. The fields just don't appear. I suspect the widget can't access the information from the Get Layout Templates Info but have no idea why.

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MVP Emeritus


   Sorry I am drawing a blank then.

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Emerging Contributor

So, after upgrading to 10.4.1 and still having the same problem I did some more testing and finally got it to work.

The first of the following definitely was responsible, I am not sure about the second:

  • When I added my Custom Text Elements I put in some long text to have a preview of how much space will be needed. This had some line breaks and special characters in it - after I removed the text and just put a single word in it, it worked
  • I also had some dynamic text elements in my layout which had an Element Name - I removed these too

So this was not really a problem with the service but with my layouts.

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