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Layer not showing up in Attribute Table widget

12-22-2015 10:57 AM
Occasional Contributor

I have an issue with a layer not showing up when I add the Attribute Table widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS. It's a shapefile layer that I manually update periodically thus breaking the functionality of the Attribute Table widget, but that hasn't been a problem until now. Last time I updated it, November 2nd, all I had to do was remove the widget and add it back to configure it how I wanted it. This time, however, when I went to add it back, this layer that I just updated just will not show up on the list of layers I can feature in the Attribute Table. Is there a fix for this?

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16 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

I think what we might be seeing here is this following error:

BUG-000090994 - After updating a web map, the Attribute Table widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS is not updated. (Currently assigned).

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Occasional Contributor

How does one resolve this error?

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Esri Regular Contributor

Sorry for the delay in my response, Heather. I performed your workflow and it seems like it works properly on the data that I have. I updated the data and the web appbuilder picks up the new feature layer without having to remove or modify the attribute table widget. Which brings me to the question of what data causes this issue. So can you give me some idea on what are some of the properties and fields set on your data? Does it have coded values and domains?

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MVP Emeritus


  The OP is using a hosted shapefile (no domains in shapefiles). Did you attempt to host a shapefile and update the hosted shapefile?

Esri Regular Contributor

Yes! I have a country.shp file that I published as a hosted feature service from Desktop to ArcGIS Online. Used it in an ArcGIS Online web map and then built a web app from the map. I went back to the source data on ArcMap, deleted a country and then overwrote the service to ArcGIS Online. When i refreshed/reopened the web app again, i found that the country was deleted and the Attribute table opens and I can click on the "Configure Attribute Table" to see that it still has that shapefile as a layer to be visible or invisible.

Occasional Contributor

I need to learn how to host the shapefile properly, is there a good how to document on this? I know there's a way to host a shapefile / service on ArcGIS Online where you can overwrite it. I had spent a little bit of time trying to figure out how to do this but the process I had going didn't hamper me much so I didn't dedicate enough time to figure it out. I have simply been adding layer from file in the Web Map each time.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Heather, here are some following documentation on what you have requested:

1. To publish CSVs, Shapefiles or GeoJSON file formats:

Publish features—ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS

2. To publish shapefiles or file geodatabases or any of the above mentioned formats from Desktop to Online:

Publish a hosted feature service from ArcGIS for Desktop | ArcGIS Video

Please let me know if you would like to know anything else.

