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How to interactively select features from map to export table to CSV.

01-06-2016 02:33 PM
Emerging Contributor

In the Flex app I currently use I can select interactively off map using a feature.  The features I select, taxlots in this case, are displayed in the attribute table.  I can then export the attributes to CSV for creating mailing lists.  I can a line feature be physical select taxlots that may be along a canyon wall or street.  I cannot use search or query tool to do this.  Is there something I am missing?

thank you,

Mark Chambers

City of Redmond, OR

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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus


   You can use eSearch Widget to do a graphical search for layers you have setup in the widget and if configured to add results to the Attribute Table widget then you will have access to export to CSV.

Regular Contributor

I had the same problem.  The solution I employed was to create a Query Widget query on my parcels layer with no filter expression.  Then when you use it just use the user defined Spatial Filter and Add as Operational Layer.  You can then open the query results attribute table from the layer list and export to csv if desired. 

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