I have script to clustering with tutorial, how to implement to Arcgis api for javascriot. But i need implement this to app. Apps from WAB are consist of several files and I don't know where i must write a peace of code. In classical API this is simple, but when i have app, i have file f.e. index.html, env.js, simpleLoader.js and int.js.
Normally if your script is working with the map or layers than you can put it in the MapManager.js or write your own out of panel widget.
Widget would be great, but I am not able to write it , unfortunately. MapManager,js is my new file? I must create MapManager.js with own script and only put it to app folder and its all?
The MapManager.js is found in the[install dir]\server\apps\[app #]\jimu.js folder.
Thanks for help, but I'm lost. I need widget or simply implement clustering with flares for my app and JS isn't my hobby 😕
Which clustering with flare script are you talking about? Can you provide the link?
I wanted this script http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=c546bc8d4f0b4c0fbdf149b92223e681, but it isn't for new API and now I am trying this: nickcam/FlareClusterLayer · GitHub
Unfortunately both of those are far from ready to be added to WAB. Nick is using current API but is designed for raw json data and not a map service. Your only option right now (you not being a developer) is to settle for the esri Japan clustering, even though it does not have your desired flaring at least you can have clustering in WAB.
I have the esri Japan clustering widget working for me so if you need any advice let me know.
I have link to feature layer in AGS and i need clustering with flare for this. When I try implement Japan widget (with half functionality) i have proble, becouse app was built with 5 DynamicLayer and in one of them is my feature layer.