Ok, I have to ask a very stupid question because this is frustrating me and I know it can't be that hard. I added the LocateButton to the 'NearMe' widget so anyone who needs to do a search for facilities in his/her area can search from their current gps position. Simple enough, accept that in order to tie the button to a search, I need to create a buffer around the gps position, only I can't figure out how to access the actual coordinates the My Location widgets zooms to.
I won't post all of the code, just the snippets I added to the nearme widget for the LocateButton to work.
_geoLocateButton: function() {
if(this._zoomScale === null) {
var zoomScale = parseInt(this._bufferParams.BufferDistance)*1609;
} else {
var zoomScale = this._zoomScale;
console.log("zoomScale =", zoomScale);
this._myLocation = new LocateButton({
map: this.map,
scale: zoomScale,
highlightLocation: false,
useTracking: false,
"class": "esriCTGeoLocate"
}, domConstruct.create("div", {}, this.myLocation));
_connectGeoLocateHandler: function () {
//handle select location button click event
on(dojo.query('.zoomLocateButton'), 'click', lang.hitch(this, function() {
_onGeoLocateClick: function (evt) {
if (this._searchInstance) {
//the function below needs a point feature produced from an event. I may be wrong,
// but the LocateButton doesn't seem to output a point 'feature'. It can be
// configured to 'highlight' the zoomed to location, but is that the same thing?
// I guess the question is, how to I take the 'result' of LocateButton and turn it
// into a usable point feature that can be passed to the _initWorkflow(evt) function?
Solved! Go to Solution.
You need to attach an event listener for the locate event on the LocateButton dijit.
You need to attach an event listener for the locate event on the LocateButton dijit.
Thanks Robert. Once again you set me on the right track! Here is the working code in case anyone else is interested.
_geoLocateButton: function() {
if(this._zoomScale === null) {
var zoomScale = parseInt(this._bufferParams.BufferDistance)*1609;
} else {
var zoomScale = this._zoomScale;
this._myLocation = new LocateButton({
map: this.map,
scale: zoomScale,
highlightLocation: false,
useTracking: false,
"class": "esriCTGeoLocate"
}, domConstruct.create("div", {}, this.myLocation));
_connectGeoLocateHandler: function () {
//handle select location button click event
this.own(this._myLocation.on('locate', lang.hitch(this, this._onGeoLocate)));
_onGeoLocate: function (evt) {
if (this._searchInstance) {
var geometry = evt.graphic
"feature": geometry,
"isFeatureFromMapClick": false
Don't forget to mark this question as answered by clicking on the "Mark Correct" link on the reply that answered your question.
Hi Franklin,
This is exactly what I need to implement. I am very new to Web AppBuilder Developer Edition. Can you tell me where I need to call the _geoLocateButton function? I have pasted your solution in the NearMe Widget.js file.
I just called the _geoLocated function inside the _initWidgetComponents,, along with all of the other NearMe widget components.
_initWidgetComponents: function () {
var featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(this.config.searchLayers[0].url);
//create graphic layer to add buffers
this._bufferGraphicLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
//create graphic layer to add search location graphic
this._highlightGraphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
//Create search widget
//initialize buffer distance slider
// initialize legend
//initialize loading indicator
//initialize layer list widget
// show bufferslider widget if configured layers
// are not polygon type and intersect polygon flag is disabled
//initialize geo locate butto
//connect set location tool button handler if tool is configured
if (this.config.showLocationTool) {
//create tool-tip to be shown on map move
this._mapTooltip = domConstruct.create("div", {
"class": "tooltip",
"innerHTML": this.nls.selectLocationToolTip
}, this.map.container);
domStyle.set(this._mapTooltip, "position", "fixed");
domStyle.set(this._mapTooltip, "display", "none");
//reset the widget's components on window resize and on widget open
this.own(on(window, 'resize', lang.hitch(this, this._onWindowResize)));
Thank you Franklin!
I put them in the correct place, but I do not see a "Locate Me" button in the NearMe widget, isn't your code creates a Button so that when the Button is clicked, it uses the user's location to do the Near Me search?
Yes, when you create a new LocateButton, you will get a button with all of the css similar to the 'mylocation' button. You have to create a space for the new button, so just create a <div> in your HTML file with an attach point to hold the button. I have two buttons on my NearMe widget, so my HTML looks like this:
<div class="buttonContainer">
<div class="esriCTSelectLocationDiv esriCTImgButtons esriCTSelectLocation esriCTHidden" data-dojo-attach-point="selectLocation"
value aria-haspopup="true" title="Locate on Map"></div>
<div class="esriCTLocateHeader">${nls.locateHeaderText}</div>
<div class="esriCTGeoLocationDiv esriCTGeoLocate" data-dojo-attach-point="myLocation"></div>
<div class="esriCTMyLocationHeader">${nls.myLocationHeaderText}</div>
Hope this helps