I am trying to set up a filter that will select from a field in a facilities (points) that fall within regions (polygons). I just cannot get this to work in with the Group Filter or the Filter widgets.
I can set up the dropdown values list for one of the layers, but not both. It just isn't making any sense to me.
Thanks in advance.
I am not sure what in the documentation for those widget made you think that they allowed for spatial relationship queries. The Query Widget on the other hand will handle spatial and attribute queries. Also the custom eSearch widget is specifically developed for these type of searches.
I guess I just assumed that was the widget to use. It doesn't appear that I can do a spatial query based on a selected polygon of a another layer. Is that the case?
Correct the filter widgets are just attribute capable. You need to use the Query or the eSearch to allow you to search for spatial relationships.
Robert, with Query, do you mean Query by Geoprocessing? What do you mean with eSearch?
I am talking about the Query Widget or the Custom eSearch Widget