I create a widget to find an adress with french ign service geocoder.
It help to write a correct adress or, from a click, it give the adress.
I need to use it to find what is near on different app with some specific information. I hope not cut and paste the simple widget and add specific stuff but i would like to add it in a place and get its result. I try to do it in dojo but it didn't work :
'dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin', 'dijit/_AttachMixin','jimu/BaseWidget','../CD82_IGNRechercheAdresse/Widget'
], function (
_WidgetsInTemplateMixin, _AttachMixin, BaseWidget, CD82_IGNRechercheAdresse
) {
return declare([BaseWidget, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, _AttachMixin], {
postCreate: function () {
//Récupère les paramètres du formulaire
startup: function () {
let w = new CD82_IGNRechercheAdresse();
<div data-dojo-attach-point="placeRecherche">
<div data-dojo-attach-point="SpecificZone">
How can I do this ?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Yes. I put all basics functions in jimu.js in a personnal folder. I must copy it every time I update wab :
Then I call it in the specifics widget like this :
For the specific content of the feature, I put a widget in a subfolder to display the information :
I specify it in config and I load it with require in widget :
You can see the app here : https://lacarto.ledepartement82.fr/FranceServices/
Search (right) is the first widget.
SidePanel is the second widget.
Red is in jimu.js/personnalfolder.
Blue is in the subfolder to display the information.
Yellow is also in another subfolder but works with attributes.
Hey! Did you manage to complete the task?
Yes. I put all basics functions in jimu.js in a personnal folder. I must copy it every time I update wab :
Then I call it in the specifics widget like this :
For the specific content of the feature, I put a widget in a subfolder to display the information :
I specify it in config and I load it with require in widget :
You can see the app here : https://lacarto.ledepartement82.fr/FranceServices/
Search (right) is the first widget.
SidePanel is the second widget.
Red is in jimu.js/personnalfolder.
Blue is in the subfolder to display the information.
Yellow is also in another subfolder but works with attributes.
I look at the site, it turned out very cool !!! Can I borrow your code through devtools?
I just can't make a request to a third-party geocoder.
Yes if you want. I use this geocodeur in the widget : https://geoservices.ign.fr/