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Draw Widget saving and sharing sketches

08-02-2023 03:10 AM
Emerging Contributor


I need some help in the drawing widget for experience builder. How can the end user save and share the sketch with other users?

7 Replies
Esri Contributor

Thank you for raising this query. 

You can add the Print Widget to generate an output that can be shared with other users.

Hope this helps.

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Emerging Contributor

Hi Michelle 


Thank you for the response. This however is not saving the sketch for future reference, on the map for future reference. We have to do re create the same sketch every time.


Is there an other solution that could save, export and re share the sketch?

Frequent Contributor

Any solutions for this?

Frequent Contributor


I have publised an enhancement request to esri as well as an idea:

Give kudos!

Frequent Contributor

I'll kudos it, but does that actually work though? I've seen stuff with tons of kudos, and several years in the making, but still no update. And also, wasn't this feature available in WAB? If something already existed in WAB, I'm not sure it needs to be a new idea... 

Occasional Contributor

Yes WABD has an enhanced draw widget where you can export your drawn graphics to json and import the json as required in any App that has the edraw widget. All text, points, lines, polygons, etc graphics are editable as well. EXB really needs to include this function as its a draw card for non GIS users. Our users love this widget and therefore love using our WAB Apps. Hope this helps the cause.

Emerging Contributor

Would be great if Esri made a draw/sketch widget that could export/import.

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