Hi Guys
I have added the draw widget to my map. The drawing functions work fine on the published app, but there is no way to save the drawing. How do I do this? I want to be able to send a link to someone of the map, and for them to mark on an area, save that area, and for me to open the map and see that area.
You should look at the Enhanced Draw custom widget then:
Demo site:
I dit not use eDraw, because I don't really like it/don't want this layers structure.
I'ts probably similar, but I did as follows in the standard Draw Widget, in order to save and load a drawing (to/from file):
var graphics = this._getAllGraphics();
var jsonString = "[";
array.forEach(graphics, lang.hitch(this, function(g){
jsonString = jsonString + "{\"geotype\":\"" + g.geometry.geoType + "\",\"graphic\":" + jsonRef.toJson(g.toJson()) + "},";
jsonString = jsonString.substring(0, jsonString.length - 1) + "]";
var filename = "Drawing.json";
return CSVUtils._download(filename, jsonString);
jsonRef refers to 'dojox/json/ref' and CSVUtils to 'jimu/CSVUtils'
And to import a JSON string/file:
var objects = jsonRef.fromJson(evt.target.result);
for(var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
var parsedGraphic = new Graphic(objects.graphic);
var geoType = objects.geotype;
this._onDrawEnd(parsedGraphic, geoType, null);
evt.target.result comes for a Reader object (onload event)
did this work for you? I am also looking to export or share the drawing (viewer license). Is it possible or only for creator locense?