I am a newbie to WAB development and Dojo. I am working a custom widget which allows user Draw a Polygon on the map and does some spatial queries. can anybody share the codes or point me to the resources (sample codes and projects) how to achieve this? I have explored the out-of-box Draw widget, but what I need is just the Draw Polygon feature. Please help! Thanks,
Solved! Go to Solution.
If you look at code in the custom eLocate widget you will see that I use the JS API DrawTool to draw a point on the map (you of course would choose Polygon instead).
Here are the main three functions I am using for that:
_reverseGeocodeToggle: function () { var node = this.revGeocodeBtn; if(domClass.contains(node, 'selected')){ domClass.remove(node, "selected"); this.drawToolBar.deactivate(); this.drawActive = false; esriBundle.toolbars.draw.addPoint = this._defaultAddPointStr; this.enableWebMapPopup(); } else { domClass.add(node, "selected"); this.disableWebMapPopup(); esriBundle.toolbars.draw.addPoint = this.nls.drawpointtooltip; this.drawToolBar.activate(Draw.POINT); this.drawActive = true; } }, _initDraw: function () { this._defaultAddPointStr = esriBundle.toolbars.draw.addPoint; this.drawToolBar = new Draw(this.map); this.map.addLayer(this.drawLayer); this.pointSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_X, 12, null, new Color(255,0,0,255)); this.drawToolBar.setMarkerSymbol(this.pointSymbol); this.own(on(this.drawToolBar, 'draw-end', lang.hitch(this, this._onDrawEnd))); }, _onDrawEnd: function(event) { var g = new Graphic(event.geometry, this.pointSymbol, null, null); this.drawLayer.clear(); this.drawLayer.add(g); this.locator.locationToAddress(event.geometry, 30, lang.hitch(this, this.rlocateResult), lang.hitch(this, this.locateError)); if(!this.config.keepinspectoractive){ var node = this.revGeocodeBtn; domClass.remove(node, "selected"); this.drawToolBar.deactivate(); this.drawActive = false; esriBundle.toolbars.draw.addPoint = this._defaultAddPointStr; this.enableWebMapPopup(); } },
If you look at code in the custom eLocate widget you will see that I use the JS API DrawTool to draw a point on the map (you of course would choose Polygon instead).
Here are the main three functions I am using for that:
_reverseGeocodeToggle: function () { var node = this.revGeocodeBtn; if(domClass.contains(node, 'selected')){ domClass.remove(node, "selected"); this.drawToolBar.deactivate(); this.drawActive = false; esriBundle.toolbars.draw.addPoint = this._defaultAddPointStr; this.enableWebMapPopup(); } else { domClass.add(node, "selected"); this.disableWebMapPopup(); esriBundle.toolbars.draw.addPoint = this.nls.drawpointtooltip; this.drawToolBar.activate(Draw.POINT); this.drawActive = true; } }, _initDraw: function () { this._defaultAddPointStr = esriBundle.toolbars.draw.addPoint; this.drawToolBar = new Draw(this.map); this.map.addLayer(this.drawLayer); this.pointSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_X, 12, null, new Color(255,0,0,255)); this.drawToolBar.setMarkerSymbol(this.pointSymbol); this.own(on(this.drawToolBar, 'draw-end', lang.hitch(this, this._onDrawEnd))); }, _onDrawEnd: function(event) { var g = new Graphic(event.geometry, this.pointSymbol, null, null); this.drawLayer.clear(); this.drawLayer.add(g); this.locator.locationToAddress(event.geometry, 30, lang.hitch(this, this.rlocateResult), lang.hitch(this, this.locateError)); if(!this.config.keepinspectoractive){ var node = this.revGeocodeBtn; domClass.remove(node, "selected"); this.drawToolBar.deactivate(); this.drawActive = false; esriBundle.toolbars.draw.addPoint = this._defaultAddPointStr; this.enableWebMapPopup(); } },
Thanks Robert for your quick response. Where can i find your eLocate widget?
Enhanced Locate Widget Version 2.0.1 - 04/26/2016
For a listing of custom WAB widget look here:
Thanks Robert. I was able to modify your codes and make them for my purpose.
One more question - can you please point me to a good site which well explain the life cycle of widget such as startup, postCreate and so on?
Sure here is the reference: dijit._WidgetBase — The Dojo Toolkit - Reference Guide
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Great! Thanks Robert.