Hi there
I don't know what exactly is going on with the Smart Editor and Layer List widget, but they have a bug/sync issue. I try to explain it:
When I start the Smart Editor widget and the layers in Layer List widget are "unchecked" I can't see any editing templates in Smart Editor widget to add them on the map. That's correct. Because the layers are unchecked in Layer List Widget.
The problem is when I make the layers visible in the Layer List Widget afterwards, the editing templates still don't show up in Smart Editor.
The weird thing is when I first launch Layer List widget and make the layers visible, and then launch Smart Editor Widget, it shows editing templates and sync runs with Layer List widget correctly. I can set any visibility of layers in layer List widget, smart editor will recognize them and offer me the editing templates properly.
So problem is with visibility of Layers in Layer List Widget and Smart Editor. Depending on which widget I started first and whether layers are visible and not, the synchronization is running correctly or not.
Has anyone had a case like this? Can someone possibly give a hint which function in widget smart editor is not working well.
I appreciate any help!
Screenshot 1:
Smart editor widget without editing templates:
Screenshot 2:
Layer List widget with visible layers;
Hi @Den-GIS ,
Thank you for your post.
We are not currently able to observe this issue on our end. Please, it would be most helpful if you were able to contact Esri Support. They will help identify all the steps and elements to reproduce the issue so that we can find a workaround and fix in on our end.
Hi @AlixVezina
Ok I'll try it. Thank you for the replay