After June 16 ArcGIS online update, we are having an issue with Basemap Widget in one of our apps.
Calgary Summer Activities Map
Under Golf Courses tab , the basemap widget is working properly and displaying our own basemaps
Under Indoor Swimming Pools tab, the basemap widget is NOT working as expected and displaying ESRI basemaps
Both are Web AppBuilder apps embedded in a story map. We so have a public basemap group set up in ArcGIS online, which is what the widget should be getting info from.
What is causing the difference?
The indoor swimming pool is working for me.
I got them all to work
I am using Chrome
Thanks for checking. The part that is not working properly is the basemap widget. Everything else seems fine.
I see what you are saying.
Desired Result:
Actual Result:
One thing to consider is that you are using HTTPS for the site and HTTP for the services. This does cause problems with the maps.
Are you using the developer edition?
Have you tried to go back and edit the app and readd the basemap widget?
Have you opened up the WAB app itself in your orgs content to see if it is exhibiting the same behavior there?