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ArcGIS Online Print Widget & Custom GP Print Service

03-29-2017 11:34 AM
Emerging Contributor

Having difficulty with a certain task. Can anyone explain (step by step would be great) to me how to build a 10.2.2 map document (in layout view) with custom text elements that will serve a custom print geoprocessing service? Thanks.

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3 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Casey,

Please see this help topic,

Tutorial: Publishing additional services for printing—Documentation | ArcGIS Enterprise 

There's also this tutorial video, the first part should be helpful,

ArcGIS for Server 10.1: PrintingTools Service Tutorial

Hope this helps,

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Emerging Contributor

Hi Derek,

Thank  you for the links. I am able to, successfully, publish the GP service using the Export Web Map tool. My problem is, I think,  that I am unable to retrieve the Get Layout Template Info when I run the script?

I am able to successfully run the script ( which I downloaded from GitHub because I'm using 10.2.2) I add the result before I publish the Export Web Map GP service in the service editor, but it seems like the custom layout metadata  information is not coming through.

1. Are there any considerations to think of, or something to setup before or after I run the Get Layout Template Info script?

2. In the REST services directory, is there anything I need to do to the GP service before I add it to the print widget in ArcGIS Online?


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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Casey,

> My problem is, I think,  that I am unable to retrieve the Get Layout Template Info when I run the script?

A1. I haven't used the Get Layout Template Info script that you reference. I've only published custom print services using the Export Web Map GP tool in ArcMap. So I can't comment on this. Sorry. Please contact Esri Tech Support so they can assist further.

A2. No. Once the GP service has been published, it should just work as is.

Hope this helps,

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