Anyone know why I would be missing the 'App Registration' button on a Web AppBuilder app I built?
Documentation I followed: Add items—ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS / Register your app. When I go to my item details page [step 3] and I do not have the App Registration section. Any ideas? Has this workflow changed? I need to make the Analysis widget accessible to 'Everyone' (dangerous I know) but this does not seem to work as I expected.
If your account has privileges to create content, you can add files from your computer, items from the web, and apps to ArcGIS Online through My Content. You can also save maps and publish apps.
(red added for emphasis) I'm assuming you are the administrator....but if not, this is the first line in that link. Might as well rule that out right away....or not.
EDIT: just fyi, I'm an admin and I'm not seeing it either. But I don't have much to test re: AGOL WAB.
No answer on this yet? I'm having the same problem.
I have the same problem. I can create content perhaps something to do with my privileges for my organisation account? "You can create web maps but not register web applications" security setting somewhere?