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Analysis Widget not working?

02-09-2016 11:13 AM
Regular Contributor

I'm using the default Web App Builder (online) and on Friday my analysis widget was working just fine. However, now I cannot view any of the tools I've enabled in the widget. Is it down for anyone else?

The last time I successfully used it was Friday to create a drive-time area. It might have been working yesterday (Monday) but I can't recall. It's currently not working for me.

I can add in the widget. I can select the tools. But when I open the widget in my web app it just loads and loads and nothing appears as a useable tool.

- Carmie

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2 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Just tried and it seems to work for me. Can you verify in ArcGIS Online if you have any credits assigned and if you can use the analysis tools there (using the same named user)?

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Regular Contributor

I will ask my admin to check. Thanks!


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