Is there a way to add text to the search results pop up window? We want to be able to tell our users to click on the map for more information.
Note: I am not a programmer. Please be as basic as possible in your explanation.
Hi Jessica,
I guess I'm not fully sure of what you are wanting to accomplish. Do you mean the regular pop-up that occurs in ArcGIS Online? If so, you can 'configure pop-ups' to add what you need to add:
Not the information pop up that occurs when you click on something; I'm trying to edit the pop up that you get when you use the search widget. This does not draw from the ArcGIS Online pop up configurations.
Here is how to add some text to each and every search result popup:
edit the [install dir]\server\apps\[app#]\widgets\Search\Widget.js Line 31 is the change.
_onSearchResults: function(evt) { var sources = this.searchDijit.get('sources'); var activeSourceIndex = this.searchDijit.get('activeSourceIndex'); var value = this.searchDijit.get('value'); var htmlContent = ""; var results = evt.results; var _activeSourceNumber = null; if (results && evt.numResults > 0) {; html.removeClass(this.searchDijit.containerNode, 'showSuggestions'); this.searchResults = results; htmlContent += '<div class="show-all-results jimu-ellipsis" title="' + this.nls.showAll + '">' + this.nls.showAllResults + '<strong >' + value + '</strong></div>'; htmlContent += '<div class="searchMenu" role="menu">'; for (var i in results) { if (results && results.length) { var name = sources[parseInt(i, 10)].name; if (sources.length > 1 && activeSourceIndex === 'all') { htmlContent += '<div title="' + name + '" class="menuHeader">' + name + '</div>'; } htmlContent += "<ul>"; var partialMatch = value; var r = new RegExp("(" + partialMatch + ")", "gi"); var maxResults = sources.maxResults; for (var j = 0, len = results.length; j < len && j < maxResults; j++) { var text = esriLang.isDefined( ? : this.nls.untitled; += "<br> This is my added text"; htmlContent += '<li title="' + text + '" data-index="' + j + '" data-source-index="' + i + '" role="menuitem" tabindex="0">' + text.toString().replace(r, "<strong >$1</strong>") + '</li>'; } htmlContent += '</url>'; if (evt.numResults === 1) { _activeSourceNumber = i; } } } htmlContent += "</div>"; this.searchResultsNode.innerHTML = htmlContent; this._showResultMenu(); this._resetSelectorPosition('.searchMenu'); } else { this._onClearSearch(); } },
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