I need to add an option to the basemap gallery "No Basemap" this is to hide the basemap, but unable to to it, even tried to add a blank map as basemap. but I am getting an error "The basemap you are adding has a different spatial reference from the current map." How do I hide the basemap/ add a no basemap
So all you need to do is in ArcMap set the map frames spatial reference to wkid 102100.
No No Basically, I want to provide an option to the user to hide the basemap and again show when required.
Hi Santosh,
You could do this by adding any of the preset basemaps to your web map then changing the transparancy of that basemap layer to 100% transparent. Then you can rename the basemap to "Blank" or "No Basemap" see image below.
Let me know if this helps!
Hi Santosh,
Another alternative is to use the ArcGIS Vector Tile Style Editor to create your own blank basemap and save it to your AGOL/Portal