I'm looking to be able to change the default symbology that is used by the ootb Add Data widget in WAB when using the upload CSV part of the widget's functionality. Right now when you upload a CSV for display on the map, the symbols that are displayed are tiny 5 point dark color points; I'd like to change that into something bigger and brighter. On that same point, is there a way to have labels render with the points, based on a field in the uploaded CSV? I know this may be asking a lot to cover in a discussion, but any information will help. Thanks in advance.
Daniel, this might be better posted as a question v's a discussion. It is up to you, but you may get more views that way. If you can't (since sometimes there is a 15 minute window), I can change it (or any other moderator of this space)
Are you working with the AGOL, Portal, or the Web AppBuilder developer edition? If the dev edition, you may have additional options. I will tag that group here, just in case https://community.esri.com/groups/web-app-builder-custom-widgets?sr=search&searchId=83985040-c85d-4e... to give more exposure.
Yes, if you could put this question in a better place, that would be great. Thanks.
OK, I changed it to a question. But it would still be good to know if OOTB WAB is for AGOL online only, or if you are willing to dive into the developer edition.
Sorry, should have been more specific - this is in fact for the WABDev - I am using it in conjunction with our internal Portal, not AGOL.
is there a way to change the symbol size?
I have the same question: can you change the symbology of a layer from an uploaded CSV via the Add Data Widget? If you add multiple CSVs each uses the same symbology and the user cannot differentiate between the layers.
There is no option for this. You will need to file an enhancement request with esri tech support.